
25 lines
764 B

# Anonkun
By popular demand, I'm building a better anonkun. It doesn't do much right now though. Actual results in the decades to come.
## Requirements
Python 3.6+
MariaDB 10.2+
Python packages: `flask flask_socketio flask-paranoid passlib argon2_cffi bleach`
## Install
$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE `anonkun` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8mb4` COLLATE `utf8mb4_general_ci`;
mysql> CREATE USER `anonkun`@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `anonkun`.* TO `anonkun`@`localhost`;
mysql> \q
1. Get on the floor
2. Walk the dinosaur
## Usage
`gunicorn -b localhost:5050 --worker-class eventlet anonkun:app`
## Todo
Rename this project to something that doesn't mean "shit" in weebspeak.