2018-01-18 23:43:27 -05:00

620 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The core bot class. Say good bye to PYthon 2.
import collections
import os
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
import tools
import irc
from db import SopelDB
from tools import stderr, Identifier
from trigger import Trigger
from module import NOLIMIT
from logger import get_logger
import loader
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
class _CapReq(object):
def __init__(self, prefix, module, failure=None, arg=None, success=None):
def nop(bot, cap):
# TODO at some point, reorder those args to be sane
self.prefix = prefix
self.module = module
self.arg = arg
self.failure = failure or nop
self.success = success or nop
class Sopel(irc.Bot):
def __init__(self, config, daemon=False):
irc.Bot.__init__(self, config)
self._daemon = daemon # Used for iPython. TODO something saner here
# `re.compile('.*') is re.compile('.*')` because of caching, so we need
# to associate a list with each regex, since they are unexpectedly
# indistinct.
self._callables = {
'high': collections.defaultdict(list),
'medium': collections.defaultdict(list),
'low': collections.defaultdict(list)
self.config = config
"""The :class:`sopel.config.Config` for the current Sopel instance."""
self.doc = {}
A dictionary of command names to their docstring and example, if
declared. The first item in a callable's commands list is used as the
key in version *3.2* onward. Prior to *3.2*, the name of the function
as declared in the source code was used.
self._command_groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
"""A mapping of module names to a list of commands in it."""
self._times = {}
A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
self.server_capabilities = {}
"""A dict mapping supported IRCv3 capabilities to their options.
For example, if the server specifies the capability ``sasl=EXTERNAL``,
it will be here as ``{"sasl": "EXTERNAL"}``. Capabilities specified
without any options will have ``None`` as the value.
For servers that do not support IRCv3, this will be an empty set."""
self.enabled_capabilities = set()
"""A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the bot has enabled."""
self._cap_reqs = dict()
"""A dictionary of capability names to a list of requests"""
self.privileges = dict()
"""A dictionary of channels to their users and privilege levels
The value associated with each channel is a dictionary of
:class:``\s to
a bitwise integer value, determined by combining the appropriate
constants from :mod:`sopel.module`.
.. deprecated:: 6.2.0
Use :attr:`channels` instead.
self.channels = tools.SopelMemory() # name to chan obj
"""A map of the channels that Sopel is in.
The keys are Identifiers of the channel names, and map to
:class:`` objects which contain the users in
the channel and their permissions.
self.users = tools.SopelMemory() # name to user obj
"""A map of the users that Sopel is aware of.
The keys are Identifiers of the nicknames, and map to
:class:`` instances. In order for Sopel to be
aware of a user, it must be in at least one channel which they are also
self.db = SopelDB(config)
"""The bot's database, as a :class:`sopel.db.SopelDB` instance."""
self.memory = tools.SopelMemory()
A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
modules. See :class:``
self.scheduler =
# Set up block lists
# Default to empty
if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
if not self.config.core.host_blocks:
self.config.core.host_blocks = []
# Backwards-compatibility aliases to attributes made private in 6.2. Remove
# these in 7.0
times = property(lambda self: getattr(self, '_times'))
command_groups = property(lambda self: getattr(self, '_command_groups'))
def write(self, args, text=None): # Shim this in here for autodocs
"""Send a command to the server.
``args`` is an iterable of strings, which are joined by spaces.
``text`` is treated as though it were the final item in ``args``, but
is preceeded by a ``:``. This is a special case which means that
``text``, unlike the items in ``args`` may contain spaces (though this
constraint is not checked by ``write``).
In other words, both ``sopel.write(('PRIVMSG',), 'Hello, world!')``
and ``sopel.write(('PRIVMSG', ':Hello, world!'))`` will send
``PRIVMSG :Hello, world!`` to the server.
Newlines and carriage returns ('\\n' and '\\r') are removed before
sending. Additionally, if the message (after joining) is longer than
than 510 characters, any remaining characters will not be sent.
irc.Bot.write(self, args, text=text)
def setup(self):
stderr("\nWelcome to Sopel. Loading modules...\n\n")
modules = loader.enumerate_modules(self.config)
error_count = 0
success_count = 0
for name in modules:
path, type_ = modules[name]
module, _ = loader.load_module(name, path, type_)
except Exception as e:
error_count = error_count + 1
filename, lineno = tools.get_raising_file_and_line()
rel_path = os.path.relpath(filename, os.path.dirname(__file__))
raising_stmt = "%s:%d" % (rel_path, lineno)
stderr("Error loading %s: %s (%s)" % (name, e, raising_stmt))
if hasattr(module, 'setup'):
relevant_parts = loader.clean_module(
module, self.config)
except Exception as e:
error_count = error_count + 1
filename, lineno = tools.get_raising_file_and_line()
rel_path = os.path.relpath(
filename, os.path.dirname(__file__)
raising_stmt = "%s:%d" % (rel_path, lineno)
stderr("Error in %s setup procedure: %s (%s)"
% (name, e, raising_stmt))
success_count += 1
if len(modules) > 1: # coretasks is counted
stderr('\n\nRegistered %d modules,' % (success_count - 1))
stderr('%d modules failed to load\n\n' % error_count)
stderr("Warning: Couldn't load any modules")
def unregister(self, obj):
if not callable(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'rule'): # commands and intents have it added
for rule in obj.rule:
callb_list = self._callables[obj.priority][rule]
if obj in callb_list:
if hasattr(obj, 'interval'):
# TODO this should somehow find the right job to remove, rather than
# clearing the entire queue. Issue #831
if (getattr(obj, '__name__', None) == 'shutdown'
and obj in self.shutdown_methods):
def register(self, callables, jobs, shutdowns, urls):
self.shutdown_methods = shutdowns
for callbl in callables:
for rule in callbl.rule:
if hasattr(callbl, 'commands'):
module_name = callbl.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
# TODO doc and make decorator for this. Not sure if this is how
# it should work yet, so not making it public for 6.0.
category = getattr(callbl, 'category', module_name)
for command, docs in callbl._docs.items():
self.doc[command] = docs
for func in jobs:
for interval in func.interval:
job =, func)
if not self.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
self.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.SopelMemory()
for func in urls:
self.memory['url_callbacks'][func.url_regex] = func
def part(self, channel, msg=None):
"""Part a channel."""
self.write(['PART', channel], msg)
def join(self, channel, password=None):
"""Join a channel
If `channel` contains a space, and no `password` is given, the space is
assumed to split the argument into the channel to join and its
password. `channel` should not contain a space if `password` is given.
if password is None:
self.write(('JOIN', channel))
self.write(['JOIN', channel, password])
def say(self, text, recipient, max_messages=1):
"""Send ``text`` as a PRIVMSG to ``recipient``.
In the context of a triggered callable, the ``recipient`` defaults to
the channel (or nickname, if a private message) from which the message
was received.
By default, this will attempt to send the entire ``text`` in one
message. If the text is too long for the server, it may be truncated.
If ``max_messages`` is given, the ``text`` will be split into at most
that many messages, each no more than 400 bytes. The split is made at
the last space character before the 400th byte, or at the 400th byte if
no such space exists. If the ``text`` is too long to fit into the
specified number of messages using the above splitting, the final
message will contain the entire remainder, which may be truncated by
the server.
# We're arbitrarily saying that the max is 400 bytes of text when
# messages will be split. Otherwise, we'd have to acocunt for the bot's
# hostmask, which is hard.
max_text_length = 400
# Encode to bytes, for propper length calculation
if isinstance(text, str):
encoded_text = text.encode('utf-8')
encoded_text = text
excess = ''
if b'\n' in encoded_text:
excess = encoded_text.split(b"\n", 1)[1]
encoded_text = encoded_text.split(b"\n", 1)[0]
if max_messages > 1 and len(encoded_text) > max_text_length:
last_space = encoded_text.rfind(' '.encode('utf-8'), 0, max_text_length)
if last_space == -1:
excess = encoded_text[max_text_length:]
encoded_text = encoded_text[:max_text_length]
excess = encoded_text[last_space + 1:]
encoded_text = encoded_text[:last_space]
# We'll then send the excess at the end
# Back to str again, so we don't screw things up later.
text = encoded_text.decode('utf-8')
# No messages within the last 3 seconds? Go ahead!
# Otherwise, wait so it's been at least 0.8 seconds + penalty
recipient_id = Identifier(recipient)
if recipient_id not in self.stack:
self.stack[recipient_id] = []
self.write(('PRIVMSG', recipient), text)
self.stack[recipient_id] = self.stack[recipient_id][-10:]
# Now that we've sent the first part, we need to send the rest. Doing
# this recursively seems easier to me than iteratively
if excess:
self.say(excess, recipient, max_messages - 1)
def notice(self, text, dest):
"""Send an IRC NOTICE to a user or a channel.
Within the context of a triggered callable, ``dest`` will default to
the channel (or nickname, if a private message), in which the trigger
self.write(('NOTICE', dest), text)
def action(self, text, dest):
"""Send ``text`` as a CTCP ACTION PRIVMSG to ``dest``.
The same loop detection and length restrictions apply as with
:func:`say`, though automatic message splitting is not available.
Within the context of a triggered callable, ``dest`` will default to
the channel (or nickname, if a private message), in which the trigger
self.say('\001ACTION {}\001'.format(text), dest)
def reply(self, text, dest, reply_to, notice=False):
"""Prepend ``reply_to`` to ``text``, and send as a PRIVMSG to ``dest``.
If ``notice`` is ``True``, send a NOTICE rather than a PRIVMSG.
The same loop detection and length restrictions apply as with
:func:`say`, though automatic message splitting is not available.
Within the context of a triggered callable, ``reply_to`` will default to
the nickname of the user who triggered the call, and ``dest`` to the
channel (or nickname, if a private message), in which the trigger
text = '%s: %s' % (reply_to, text)
if notice:
self.notice(text, dest)
self.say(text, dest)
class SopelWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, sopel, trigger):
# The custom __setattr__ for this class sets the attribute on the
# original bot object. We don't want that for these, so we set them
# with the normal __setattr__.
object.__setattr__(self, '_bot', sopel)
object.__setattr__(self, '_trigger', trigger)
def __dir__(self):
classattrs = [attr for attr in self.__class__.__dict__
if not attr.startswith('__')]
return list(self.__dict__) + classattrs + dir(self._bot)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._bot, attr)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
return setattr(self._bot, attr, value)
def say(self, message, destination=None, max_messages=1):
if destination is None:
destination = self._trigger.sender
self._bot.say(message, destination, max_messages)
def action(self, message, destination=None):
if destination is None:
destination = self._trigger.sender
self._bot.action(message, destination)
def notice(self, message, destination=None):
if destination is None:
destination = self._trigger.sender
self._bot.notice(message, destination)
def reply(self, message, destination=None, reply_to=None, notice=False):
if destination is None:
destination = self._trigger.sender
if reply_to is None:
reply_to = self._trigger.nick
self._bot.reply(message, destination, reply_to, notice)
def call(self, func, sopel, trigger):
nick = trigger.nick
current_time = time.time()
if nick not in self._times:
self._times[nick] = dict()
if self.nick not in self._times:
self._times[self.nick] = dict()
if not trigger.is_privmsg and trigger.sender not in self._times:
self._times[trigger.sender] = dict()
if not trigger.admin and not func.unblockable:
if func in self._times[nick]:
usertimediff = current_time - self._times[nick][func]
if func.rate > 0 and usertimediff < func.rate:
#self._times[nick][func] = current_time
"%s prevented from using %s in %s due to user limit: %d < %d",
trigger.nick, func.__name__, trigger.sender, usertimediff,
if func in self._times[self.nick]:
globaltimediff = current_time - self._times[self.nick][func]
if func.global_rate > 0 and globaltimediff < func.global_rate:
#self._times[self.nick][func] = current_time
"%s prevented from using %s in %s due to global limit: %d < %d",
trigger.nick, func.__name__, trigger.sender, globaltimediff,
if not trigger.is_privmsg and func in self._times[trigger.sender]:
chantimediff = current_time - self._times[trigger.sender][func]
if func.channel_rate > 0 and chantimediff < func.channel_rate:
#self._times[trigger.sender][func] = current_time
"%s prevented from using %s in %s due to channel limit: %d < %d",
trigger.nick, func.__name__, trigger.sender, chantimediff,
exit_code = func(sopel, trigger)
except Exception:
exit_code = None
if exit_code != NOLIMIT:
self._times[nick][func] = current_time
self._times[self.nick][func] = current_time
if not trigger.is_privmsg:
self._times[trigger.sender][func] = current_time
def dispatch(self, pretrigger):
args = pretrigger.args
event, args, text = pretrigger.event, args, args[-1] if args else ''
if self.config.core.nick_blocks or self.config.core.host_blocks:
nick_blocked = self._nick_blocked(pretrigger.nick)
host_blocked = self._host_blocked(
nick_blocked = host_blocked = None
list_of_blocked_functions = []
for priority in ('high', 'medium', 'low'):
items = self._callables[priority].items()
for regexp, funcs in items:
match = regexp.match(text)
if not match:
user_obj = self.users.get(pretrigger.nick)
account = user_obj.account if user_obj else None
trigger = Trigger(self.config, pretrigger, match, account)
wrapper = self.SopelWrapper(self, trigger)
for func in funcs:
if (not trigger.admin and
not func.unblockable and
(nick_blocked or host_blocked)):
function_name = "%s.%s" % (
func.__module__, func.__name__
if event not in func.event:
if (hasattr(func, 'intents') and
trigger.tags.get('intent') not in func.intents):
if func.thread:
targs = (func, wrapper, trigger)
t = threading.Thread(, args=targs)
else:, wrapper, trigger)
if list_of_blocked_functions:
if nick_blocked and host_blocked:
block_type = 'both'
elif nick_blocked:
block_type = 'nick'
block_type = 'host'
"[%s]%s prevented from using %s.",
', '.join(list_of_blocked_functions)
def _host_blocked(self, host):
bad_masks = self.config.core.host_blocks
for bad_mask in bad_masks:
bad_mask = bad_mask.strip()
if not bad_mask:
if (re.match(bad_mask + '$', host, re.IGNORECASE) or
bad_mask == host):
return True
return False
def _nick_blocked(self, nick):
bad_nicks = self.config.core.nick_blocks
for bad_nick in bad_nicks:
bad_nick = bad_nick.strip()
if not bad_nick:
if (re.match(bad_nick + '$', nick, re.IGNORECASE) or
Identifier(bad_nick) == nick):
return True
return False
def _shutdown(self):
'Calling shutdown for %d modules.' % (len(self.shutdown_methods),)
for shutdown_method in self.shutdown_methods:
"calling %s.%s" % (
shutdown_method.__module__, shutdown_method.__name__,
except Exception as e:
"Error calling shutdown method for module %s:%s" % (
shutdown_method.__module__, e
def cap_req(self, module_name, capability, arg=None, failure_callback=None,
"""Tell Sopel to request a capability when it starts.
By prefixing the capability with `-`, it will be ensured that the
capability is not enabled. Simmilarly, by prefixing the capability with
`=`, it will be ensured that the capability is enabled. Requiring and
disabling is "first come, first served"; if one module requires a
capability, and another prohibits it, this function will raise an
exception in whichever module loads second. An exception will also be
raised if the module is being loaded after the bot has already started,
and the request would change the set of enabled capabilities.
If the capability is not prefixed, and no other module prohibits it, it
will be requested. Otherwise, it will not be requested. Since
capability requests that are not mandatory may be rejected by the
server, as well as by other modules, a module which makes such a
request should account for that possibility.
The actual capability request to the server is handled after the
completion of this function. In the event that the server denies a
request, the `failure_callback` function will be called, if provided.
The arguments will be a `Sopel` object, and the capability which was
rejected. This can be used to disable callables which rely on the
capability. It will be be called either if the server NAKs the request,
or if the server enabled it and later DELs it.
The `success_callback` function will be called upon acknowledgement of
the capability from the server, whether during the initial capability
negotiation, or later.
If ``arg`` is given, and does not exactly match what the server
provides or what other modules have requested for that capability, it is
considered a conflict.
# TODO raise better exceptions
cap = capability[1:]
prefix = capability[0]
entry = self._cap_reqs.get(cap, [])
if any((ent.arg != arg for ent in entry)):
raise Exception('Capability conflict')
if prefix == '-':
if self.connection_registered and cap in self.enabled_capabilities:
raise Exception('Can not change capabilities after server '
'connection has been completed.')
if any((ent.prefix != '-' for ent in entry)):
raise Exception('Capability conflict')
entry.append(_CapReq(prefix, module_name, failure_callback, arg,
self._cap_reqs[cap] = entry
if prefix != '=':
cap = capability
prefix = ''
if self.connection_registered and (cap not in
raise Exception('Can not change capabilities after server '
'connection has been completed.')
# Non-mandatory will callback at the same time as if the server
# rejected it.
if any((ent.prefix == '-' for ent in entry)) and prefix == '=':
raise Exception('Capability conflict')
entry.append(_CapReq(prefix, module_name, failure_callback, arg,
self._cap_reqs[cap] = entry