2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00

352 lines
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Executable File

# coding=utf-8
"""Types for creating section definitions.
A section definition consists of a subclass of ``StaticSection``, on which any
number of subclasses of ``BaseValidated`` (a few common ones of which are
available in this module) are assigned as attributes. These descriptors define
how to read values from, and write values to, the config file.
As an example, if one wanted to define the ``[spam]`` section as having an
``eggs`` option, which contains a list of values, they could do this:
>>> class SpamSection(StaticSection):
... eggs = ListAttribute('eggs')
>>> SpamSection(config, 'spam')
>>> print(config.spam.eggs)
>>> config.spam.eggs = ['goose', 'turkey', 'duck', 'chicken', 'quail']
>>> print(config.spam.eggs)
['goose', 'turkey', 'duck', 'chicken', 'quail']
>>> config.spam.eggs = 'herring'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ListAttribute value must be a list.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division
import os.path
import sys
from tools import get_input
import configparser
except ImportError:
import ConfigParser as configparser
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
unicode = str
basestring = (str, bytes)
class NO_DEFAULT(object):
"""A special value to indicate that there should be no default."""
class StaticSection(object):
"""A configuration section with parsed and validated settings.
This class is intended to be subclassed with added ``ValidatedAttribute``\s.
def __init__(self, config, section_name, validate=True):
if not config.parser.has_section(section_name):
self._parent = config
self._parser = config.parser
self._section_name = section_name
for value in dir(self):
getattr(self, value)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
'Invalid value for {}.{}: {}'.format(section_name, value,
except AttributeError:
if validate:
raise ValueError(
'Missing required value for {}.{}'.format(section_name,
def configure_setting(self, name, prompt, default=NO_DEFAULT):
"""Return a validated value for this attribute from the terminal.
``prompt`` will be the docstring of the attribute if not given.
If ``default`` is passed, it will be used if no value is given by the
user. If it is not passed, the current value of the setting, or the
default value if it's unset, will be used. Note that if ``default`` is
passed, the current value of the setting will be ignored, even if it is
not the attribute's default.
clazz = getattr(self.__class__, name)
if default is NO_DEFAULT:
default = getattr(self, name)
except AttributeError:
except ValueError:
print('The configured value for this option was invalid.')
if clazz.default is not NO_DEFAULT:
default = clazz.default
while True:
value = clazz.configure(prompt, default, self._parent, self._section_name)
except ValueError as exc:
setattr(self, name, value)
class BaseValidated(object):
"""The base type for a descriptor in a ``StaticSection``."""
def __init__(self, name, default=None):
``name`` is the name of the setting in the section.
``default`` is the value to be returned if the setting is not set. If
not given, AttributeError will be raised instead.
""" = name
self.default = default
def configure(self, prompt, default, parent, section_name):
"""With the prompt and default, parse and return a value from terminal.
if default is not NO_DEFAULT and default is not None:
prompt = '{} [{}]'.format(prompt, default)
value = get_input(prompt + ' ')
if not value and default is NO_DEFAULT:
raise ValueError("You must provide a value for this option.")
value = value or default
return self.parse(value)
def serialize(self, value):
"""Take some object, and return the string to be saved to the file.
Must be implemented in subclasses.
raise NotImplemented("Serialize method must be implemented in subclass")
def parse(self, value):
"""Take a string from the file, and return the appropriate object.
Must be implemented in subclasses."""
raise NotImplemented("Parse method must be implemented in subclass")
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None:
# If instance is None, we're getting from a section class, not an
# instance of a session class. It makes the wizard code simpler
# (and is really just more intuitive) to return the descriptor
# instance here.
return self
if instance._parser.has_option(instance._section_name,
value = instance._parser.get(instance._section_name,
if self.default is not NO_DEFAULT:
return self.default
raise AttributeError(
"Missing required value for {}.{}".format(
return self.parse(value)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if value is None:
value = self.serialize(value)
instance._parser.set(instance._section_name,, value)
def __delete__(self, instance):
def _parse_boolean(value):
if value is True or value == 1:
return value
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'y', 'true', 'on']
return bool(value)
def _serialize_boolean(value):
return 'true' if _parse_boolean(value) else 'false'
class ValidatedAttribute(BaseValidated):
def __init__(self, name, parse=None, serialize=None, default=None):
"""A descriptor for settings in a ``StaticSection``
``parse`` is the function to be used to read the string and create the
appropriate object. If not given, return the string as-is.
``serialize`` takes an object, and returns the value to be written to
the file. If not given, defaults to ``unicode``.
""" = name
if parse == bool:
parse = _parse_boolean
if not serialize or serialize == bool:
serialize = _serialize_boolean
self.parse = parse or self.parse
self.serialize = serialize or self.serialize
self.default = default
def serialize(self, value):
return unicode(value)
def parse(self, value):
return value
def configure(self, prompt, default, parent, section_name):
if self.parse == _parse_boolean:
prompt += ' (y/n)'
default = 'y' if default else 'n'
return super(ValidatedAttribute, self).configure(prompt, default, parent, section_name)
class ListAttribute(BaseValidated):
"""A config attribute containing a list of string values.
Values are saved to the file as a comma-separated list. It does not
currently support commas within items in the list. By default, the spaces
before and after each item are stripped; you can override this by passing
def __init__(self, name, strip=True, default=None):
default = default or []
super(ListAttribute, self).__init__(name, default=default)
self.strip = strip
def parse(self, value):
value = value.split(',')
if self.strip:
return [v.strip() for v in value]
return value
def serialize(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (list, set)):
raise ValueError('ListAttribute value must be a list.')
return ','.join(value)
def configure(self, prompt, default, parent, section_name):
each_prompt = '?'
if isinstance(prompt, tuple):
each_prompt = prompt[1]
prompt = prompt[0]
if default is not NO_DEFAULT:
default = ','.join(default)
prompt = '{} [{}]'.format(prompt, default)
default = ''
values = []
value = get_input(each_prompt + ' ') or default
while value:
value = get_input(each_prompt + ' ')
return self.parse(','.join(values))
class ChoiceAttribute(BaseValidated):
"""A config attribute which must be one of a set group of options.
Currently, the choices can only be strings."""
def __init__(self, name, choices, default=None):
super(ChoiceAttribute, self).__init__(name, default=default)
self.choices = choices
def parse(self, value):
if value in self.choices:
return value
raise ValueError('Value must be in {}'.format(self.choices))
def serialize(self, value):
if value in self.choices:
return value
raise ValueError('Value must be in {}'.format(self.choices))
class FilenameAttribute(BaseValidated):
"""A config attribute which must be a file or directory."""
def __init__(self, name, relative=True, directory=False, default=None):
``relative`` is whether the path should be relative to the location
of the config file (absolute paths will still be absolute). If
``directory`` is True, the path must indicate a directory, rather than
a file.
super(FilenameAttribute, self).__init__(name, default=default)
self.relative = relative = directory
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None:
return self
if instance._parser.has_option(instance._section_name,
value = instance._parser.get(instance._section_name,
if self.default is not NO_DEFAULT:
value = self.default
raise AttributeError(
"Missing required value for {}.{}".format(
main_config = instance._parent
this_section = getattr(main_config, instance._section_name)
return self.parse(main_config, this_section, value)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
main_config = instance._parent
this_section = getattr(main_config, instance._section_name)
value = self.serialize(main_config, this_section, value)
instance._parser.set(instance._section_name,, value)
def configure(self, prompt, default, parent, section_name):
"""With the prompt and default, parse and return a value from terminal.
if default is not NO_DEFAULT and default is not None:
prompt = '{} [{}]'.format(prompt, default)
value = get_input(prompt + ' ')
if not value and default is NO_DEFAULT:
raise ValueError("You must provide a value for this option.")
value = value or default
return self.parse(parent, section_name, value)
def parse(self, main_config, this_section, value):
if value is None:
value = os.path.expanduser(value)
if not os.path.isabs(value):
if not self.relative:
raise ValueError("Value must be an absolute path.")
value = os.path.join(main_config.homedir, value)
if and not os.path.isdir(value):
except OSError:
raise ValueError(
"Value must be an existing or creatable directory.")
if not and not os.path.isfile(value):
open(value, 'w').close()
except OSError:
raise ValueError("Value must be an existant or creatable file.")
return value
def serialize(self, main_config, this_section, value):
self.parse(main_config, this_section, value)
return value # So that it's still relative