2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00

199 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

# coding=utf-8
""" - Alerts about malicious URLs
Copyright © 2014, Elad Alfassa, <>
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
This module uses
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division
import requests
from config.types import StaticSection, ValidatedAttribute, ListAttribute
from formatting import color, bold
from logger import get_logger
from module import OP
import tools
import sys
import json
import time
import os.path
import re
import module
if sys.version_info.major > 2:
unicode = str
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib import urlretrieve
from urlparse import urlparse
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
vt_base_api_url = ''
malware_domains = set()
known_good = []
class SafetySection(StaticSection):
enabled_by_default = ValidatedAttribute('enabled_by_default', bool, default=True)
"""Enable URL safety in all channels where it isn't explicitly disabled."""
known_good = ListAttribute('known_good')
"""List of "known good" domains to ignore."""
vt_api_key = ValidatedAttribute('vt_api_key')
"""Optional VirusTotal API key."""
def configure(config):
config.define_section('safety', SafetySection)
"Enable URL safety in channels that don't specifically disable it?",
'Enter any domains to whitelist',
"Optionally, enter a VirusTotal API key to improve malicious URL "
"protection.\nOtherwise, only the Malwarebytes DB will be used."
def setup(bot):
bot.config.define_section('safety', SafetySection)
bot.memory['safety_cache'] = tools.SopelMemory()
for item in
known_good.append(re.compile(item, re.I))
loc = os.path.join(bot.config.homedir, 'malwaredomains.txt')
if os.path.isfile(loc):
if os.path.getmtime(loc) < time.time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 7:
# File exists but older than one week, update
with open(loc, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
clean_line = unicode(line).strip().lower()
if clean_line != '':
def _download_malwaredomains_db(path):
print('Downloading malwaredomains db...')
urlretrieve('', path)
def url_handler(bot, trigger):
""" Check for malicious URLs """
check = True # Enable URL checking
strict = False # Strict mode: kick on malicious URL
positives = 0 # Number of engines saying it's malicious
total = 0 # Number of total engines
use_vt = True # Use VirusTotal
check =
if check is None:
# If not set, assume default
check = True
# DB overrides config:
setting = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'safety')
if setting is not None:
if setting == 'off':
return # Not checking
elif setting in ['on', 'strict', 'local', 'local strict']:
check = True
if setting == 'strict' or setting == 'local strict':
strict = True
if setting == 'local' or setting == 'local strict':
use_vt = False
if not check:
return # Not overriden by DB, configured default off
netloc = urlparse(
if any( for regex in known_good):
return # Whitelisted
apikey =
if apikey is not None and use_vt:
payload = {'resource': unicode(trigger),
'apikey': apikey,
'scan': '1'}
if trigger not in bot.memory['safety_cache']:
result = + 'report', payload)
if sys.version_info.major > 2:
result = result.decode('utf-8')
result = json.loads(result)
age = time.time()
data = {'positives': result['positives'],
'total': result['total'],
'age': age}
bot.memory['safety_cache'][trigger] = data
if len(bot.memory['safety_cache']) > 1024:
print('using cache')
result = bot.memory['safety_cache'][trigger]
positives = result['positives']
total = result['total']
except Exception:
LOGGER.debug('Error from checking URL with VT.', exc_info=True)
pass # Ignoring exceptions with VT so MalwareDomains will always work
if unicode(netloc).lower() in malware_domains:
# malwaredomains is more trustworthy than some VT engines
# therefor it gets a weight of 10 engines when calculating confidence
positives += 10
total += 10
if positives > 1:
# Possibly malicious URL detected!
confidence = '{}%'.format(round((positives / total) * 100))
msg = 'link posted by %s is possibly malicious ' % bold(trigger.nick)
msg += '(confidence %s - %s/%s)' % (confidence, positives, total)
bot.say('[' + bold(color('WARNING', 'red')) + '] ' + msg)
if strict:
bot.write(['KICK', trigger.sender, trigger.nick,
'Posted a malicious link'])
def toggle_safety(bot, trigger):
""" Set safety setting for channel """
if not trigger.admin and bot.privileges[trigger.sender][trigger.nick] < OP:
bot.reply('Only channel operators can change safety settings')
allowed_states = ['strict', 'on', 'off', 'local', 'local strict']
if not or not in allowed_states:
options = ' / '.join(allowed_states)
bot.reply('Available options: %s' % options)
channel = trigger.sender.lower()
bot.db.set_channel_value(channel, 'safety',
bot.reply('Safety is now set to "%s" on this channel' %
# Clean the cache every day, also when > 1024 entries
@module.interval(24 * 60 * 60)
def _clean_cache(bot):
""" Cleanup old entries in URL cache """
# TODO probably should be using locks here, to make sure stuff doesn't
# explode
oldest_key_age = 0
oldest_key = ''
for key, data in tools.iteritems(bot.memory['safety_cache']):
if data['age'] > oldest_key_age:
oldest_key_age = data['age']
oldest_key = key
if oldest_key in bot.memory['safety_cache']:
del bot.memory['safety_cache'][oldest_key]