#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ admin.py - Sopel Admin Module Copyright 2010-2011, Sean B. Palmer (inamidst.com) and Michael Yanovich (yanovich.net) Copyright © 2012, Elad Alfassa, Copyright 2013, Ari Koivula Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2. http://sopel.chat """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division from config.types import ( StaticSection, ValidatedAttribute, FilenameAttribute ) import module class AdminSection(StaticSection): hold_ground = ValidatedAttribute('hold_ground', bool, default=False) """Auto re-join on kick""" auto_accept_invite = ValidatedAttribute('auto_accept_invite', bool, default=True) def configure(config): config.define_section('admin', AdminSection) config.admin.configure_setting('hold_ground', "Automatically re-join after being kicked?") config.admin.configure_setting('auto_accept_invite', 'Automatically join channels when invited?') def setup(bot): bot.config.define_section('admin', AdminSection) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('join') @module.priority('low') @module.example('.join #example or .join #example key') def join(bot, trigger): """Join the specified channel. This is an admin-only command.""" channel, key = trigger.group(3), trigger.group(4) if not channel: return elif not key: bot.join(channel) else: bot.join(channel, key) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('part') @module.priority('low') @module.example('.part #example') def part(bot, trigger): """Part the specified channel. This is an admin-only command.""" channel, _sep, part_msg = trigger.group(2).partition(' ') if part_msg: bot.part(channel, part_msg) else: bot.part(channel) @module.require_owner @module.commands('quit') @module.priority('low') def quit(bot, trigger): """Quit from the server. This is an owner-only command.""" quit_message = trigger.group(2) if not quit_message: quit_message = 'Quitting on command from %s' % trigger.nick bot.quit(quit_message) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('msg') @module.priority('low') @module.example('.msg #YourPants Does anyone else smell neurotoxin?') def msg(bot, trigger): """ Send a message to a given channel or nick. Can only be done in privmsg by an admin. """ if trigger.group(2) is None: return channel, _sep, message = trigger.group(2).partition(' ') message = message.strip() if not channel or not message: return bot.say(message, channel) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('me') @module.priority('low') def me(bot, trigger): """ Send an ACTION (/me) to a given channel or nick. Can only be done in privmsg by an admin. """ if trigger.group(2) is None: return channel, _sep, action = trigger.group(2).partition(' ') action = action.strip() if not channel or not action: return msg = '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % action bot.say(msg, channel) @module.event('INVITE') @module.rule('.*') @module.priority('low') def invite_join(bot, trigger): """ Join a channel sopel is invited to, if the inviter is an admin. """ if trigger.admin or bot.config.admin.auto_accept_invite: bot.join(trigger.args[1]) return @module.event('KICK') @module.rule(r'.*') @module.priority('low') def hold_ground(bot, trigger): """ This function monitors all kicks across all channels sopel is in. If it detects that it is the one kicked it'll automatically join that channel. WARNING: This may not be needed and could cause problems if sopel becomes annoying. Please use this with caution. """ if bot.config.admin.hold_ground: channel = trigger.sender if trigger.args[1] == bot.nick: bot.join(channel) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('mode') @module.priority('low') def mode(bot, trigger): """Set a user mode on Sopel. Can only be done in privmsg by an admin.""" mode = trigger.group(3) bot.write(('MODE ', bot.nick + ' ' + mode)) @module.require_privmsg("This command only works as a private message.") @module.require_admin("This command requires admin privileges.") @module.commands('set') @module.example('.set core.owner Me') def set_config(bot, trigger): """See and modify values of sopels config object. Trigger args: arg1 - section and option, in the form "section.option" arg2 - value If there is no section, section will default to "core". If value is None, the option will be deleted. """ # Get section and option from first argument. arg1 = trigger.group(3).split('.') if len(arg1) == 1: section_name, option = "core", arg1[0] elif len(arg1) == 2: section_name, option = arg1 else: bot.reply("Usage: .set section.option value") return section = getattr(bot.config, section_name) static_sec = isinstance(section, StaticSection) if static_sec and not hasattr(section, option): bot.say('[{}] section has no option {}.'.format(section_name, option)) return # Display current value if no value is given. value = trigger.group(4) if not value: if not static_sec and bot.config.parser.has_option(section, option): bot.reply("Option %s.%s does not exist." % (section_name, option)) return # Except if the option looks like a password. Censor those to stop them # from being put on log files. if option.endswith("password") or option.endswith("pass"): value = "(password censored)" else: value = getattr(section, option) bot.reply("%s.%s = %s" % (section_name, option, value)) return # Otherwise, set the value to one given as argument 2. if static_sec: descriptor = getattr(section.__class__, option) try: if isinstance(descriptor, FilenameAttribute): value = descriptor.parse(bot.config, descriptor, value) else: value = descriptor.parse(value) except ValueError as exc: bot.say("Can't set attribute: " + str(exc)) return setattr(section, option, value) @module.require_privmsg @module.require_admin @module.commands('save') @module.example('.save') def save_config(bot, trigger): """Save state of sopels config object to the configuration file.""" bot.config.save()