# coding=utf-8
wiktionary.py - Sopel Wiktionary Module
Copyright 2009, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re
import requests
from module import commands, example
uri = 'http://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title={}&printable=yes'
r_tag = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
r_ul = re.compile(r'(?ims)
def text(html):
text = r_tag.sub('', html).strip()
text = text.replace('\n', ' ')
text = text.replace('\r', '')
text = text.replace('(intransitive', '(intr.')
text = text.replace('(transitive', '(trans.')
return text
def wikt(word):
bytes = requests.get(uri.format(word))
# bytes = r_ul.sub('', bytes)
bytes = bytes.text
mode = None
etymology = None
definitions = {}
for line in bytes.splitlines():
if 'id="Etymology"' in line:
mode = 'etymology'
elif 'id="Noun"' in line:
mode = 'noun'
elif 'id="Verb"' in line:
mode = 'verb'
elif 'id="Adjective"' in line:
mode = 'adjective'
elif 'id="Adverb"' in line:
mode = 'adverb'
elif 'id="Interjection"' in line:
mode = 'interjection'
elif 'id="Particle"' in line:
mode = 'particle'
elif 'id="Preposition"' in line:
mode = 'preposition'
elif 'id="' in line:
mode = None
elif (mode == 'etmyology') and ('' in line):
etymology = text(line)
elif (mode is not None) and ('
' in line):
definitions.setdefault(mode, []).append(text(line))
if '
result = result[:295] + '[...]'