#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Long live the Internet of Things! """ import requests import module @module.require_admin @module.commands('lamp') def lampToggle(bot, trigger): """ Turns my lamp on and off. The glory of IoT! """ try: res = requests.get("", timeout=10) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: return bot.say("Connection error. Timeout reached.") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return bot.say("Connection error. Is the unit dead?") if res.text[32] == 'L': bot.say("Lamp is now OFF.") elif res.text[32] == 'H': bot.say("Lamp is now ON.") #@module.require_admin @module.commands('roomtemp') def roomTemp(bot, trigger): """ Gets the temperature of my room. """ try: res = requests.get("", timeout=10) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: return bot.say("Connection error. Timeout reached.") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return bot.say("Connection error. Is the unit dead?") bot.say(res.text)