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2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00
# coding=utf-8
"""This module has classes and functions that can help in writing tests. - Sopel misc tools
Copyright 2013, Ari Koivula, <>
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
import configparser as ConfigParser
import config
import config.core_section
import tools
import trigger
class MockConfig(config.Config):
def __init__(self):
self.filename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
#self._homedir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
#self.filename = os.path.join(self._homedir, 'test.cfg')
self.parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
self.parser.set('core', 'owner', 'Embolalia')
self.define_section('core', sopel.config.core_section.CoreSection)
self.get = self.parser.get
def define_section(self, name, cls_):
if not self.parser.has_section(name):
setattr(self, name, cls_(self, name))
class MockSopel(object):
def __init__(self, nick, admin=False, owner=False):
self.nick = nick
self.user = "sopel"
self.channels = ["#channel"]
self.memory =
self.ops = {}
self.halfplus = {}
self.voices = {}
self.config = MockConfig()
if admin:
self.config.core.admins = [self.nick]
if owner:
self.config.core.owner = self.nick
def _init_config(self):
cfg = self.config
cfg.parser.set('core', 'admins', '')
cfg.parser.set('core', 'owner', '')
home_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.sopel')
if not os.path.exists(home_dir):
cfg.parser.set('core', 'homedir', home_dir)
class MockSopelWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, bot, pretrigger): = bot
self.pretrigger = pretrigger
self.output = []
def _store(self, string, recipent=None):
say = reply = action = _store
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(, attr)
def get_example_test(tested_func, msg, results, privmsg, admin,
owner, repeat, use_regexp, ignore=[]):
"""Get a function that calls tested_func with fake wrapper and trigger.
tested_func - A sopel callable that accepts SopelWrapper and Trigger.
msg - Message that is supposed to trigger the command.
results - Expected output from the callable.
privmsg - If true, make the message appear to have sent in a private
message to the bot. If false, make it appear to have come from a
admin - If true, make the message appear to have come from an admin.
owner - If true, make the message appear to have come from an owner.
repeat - How many times to repeat the test. Usefull for tests that
return random stuff.
use_regexp = Bool. If true, results is in regexp format.
ignore - List of strings to ignore.
def test():
bot = MockSopel("NickName", admin=admin, owner=owner)
match = None
if hasattr(tested_func, "commands"):
for command in tested_func.commands:
regexp =".", command)
match = regexp.match(msg)
if match:
assert match, "Example did not match any command."
sender = bot.nick if privmsg else "#channel"
hostmask = "%s!%s@%s " % (bot.nick, "UserName", "")
# TODO enable message tags
full_message = ':{} PRIVMSG {} :{}'.format(hostmask, sender, msg)
pretrigger = sopel.trigger.PreTrigger(bot.nick, full_message)
trigger = sopel.trigger.Trigger(bot.config, pretrigger, match)
module = sys.modules[tested_func.__module__]
if hasattr(module, 'setup'):
def isnt_ignored(value):
"""Return True if value doesn't match any re in ignore list."""
for ignored_line in ignore:
if re.match(ignored_line, value):
return False
return True
for _i in range(repeat):
wrapper = MockSopelWrapper(bot, trigger)
tested_func(wrapper, trigger)
wrapper.output = list(filter(isnt_ignored, wrapper.output))
assert len(wrapper.output) == len(results)
for result, output in zip(results, wrapper.output):
if type(output) is bytes:
output = output.decode('utf-8')
if use_regexp:
if not re.match(result, output):
assert result == output
assert result == output
return test
def insert_into_module(func, module_name, base_name, prefix):
"""Add a function into a module."""
func.__module__ = module_name
module = sys.modules[module_name]
# Make sure the func method does not overwrite anything.
for i in range(1000):
func.__name__ = str("%s_%s_%s" % (prefix, base_name, i))
if not hasattr(module, func.__name__):
setattr(module, func.__name__, func)
def run_example_tests(filename, tb='native', multithread=False, verbose=False):
# These are only required when running tests, so import them here rather
# than at the module level.
import pytest
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
args = [filename, "-s"]
args.extend(['--tb', tb])
if verbose:
if multithread and cpu_count() > 1:
args.extend(["-n", str(cpu_count())])