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2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00
# coding=utf-8
"""Tasks that allow the bot to run, but aren't user-facing functionality
This is written as a module to make it easier to extend to support more
responses to standard IRC codes without having to shove them all into the
dispatch function in and making it easier to maintain.
# Copyright 2008-2011, Sean B. Palmer ( and Michael Yanovich
# (
# Copyright © 2012, Elad Alfassa <>
# Copyright 2012-2015, Elsie Powell
# Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division
from random import randint
import re
import sys
import time
import module
from bot import _CapReq
from tools import Identifier, iteritems, events
from import User, Channel
import base64
from logger import get_logger
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
unicode = str
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
batched_caps = {}
who_reqs = {} # Keeps track of reqs coming from this module, rather than others
def auth_after_register(bot):
"""Do NickServ/AuthServ auth"""
if bot.config.core.auth_method == 'nickserv':
nickserv_name = bot.config.core.auth_target or 'NickServ'
bot.say('IDENTIFY %s' % bot.config.core.auth_password, nickserv_name)
2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00
elif bot.config.core.auth_method == 'authserv':
account = bot.config.core.auth_username
password = bot.config.core.auth_password
'AUTHSERV auth',
account + ' ' + password
elif bot.config.core.auth_method == 'Q':
account = bot.config.core.auth_username
password = bot.config.core.auth_password
account + ' ' + password
@module.event(events.RPL_WELCOME, events.RPL_LUSERCLIENT)
def startup(bot, trigger):
"""Do tasks related to connecting to the network.
001 RPL_WELCOME is from RFC2812 and is the first message that is sent after
the connection has been registered on the network.
251 RPL_LUSERCLIENT is a mandatory message that is sent after client
connects to the server in rfc1459. RFC2812 does not require it and all
networks might not send it. We support both.
if bot.connection_registered:
bot.connection_registered = True
modes = bot.config.core.modes
bot.write(('MODE ', '%s +%s' % (bot.nick, modes)))
bot.memory['retry_join'] = dict()
if bot.config.core.throttle_join:
throttle_rate = int(bot.config.core.throttle_join)
channels_joined = 0
for channel in bot.config.core.channels:
channels_joined += 1
if not channels_joined % throttle_rate:
for channel in bot.config.core.channels:
if (not bot.config.core.owner_account and
'account-tag' in bot.enabled_capabilities and
'@' not in bot.config.core.owner):
msg = (
"This network supports using network services to identify you as "
"my owner, rather than just matching your nickname. This is much "
"more secure. If you'd like to do this, make sure you're logged in "
"and reply with \"{}useserviceauth\""
bot.say(msg, bot.config.core.owner)
2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00
def enable_service_auth(bot, trigger):
if bot.config.core.owner_account:
if 'account-tag' not in bot.enabled_capabilities:
bot.say('This server does not fully support services auth, so this '
'command is not available.')
if not trigger.account:
bot.say('You must be logged in to network services before using this '
bot.config.core.owner_account = trigger.account
bot.say('Success! I will now use network services to identify you as my '
def retry_join(bot, trigger):
"""Give NickServer enough time to identify on a +R channel.
Give NickServ enough time to identify, and retry rejoining an
identified-only (+R) channel. Maximum of ten rejoin attempts.
channel = trigger.args[1]
if channel in bot.memory['retry_join'].keys():
bot.memory['retry_join'][channel] += 1
if bot.memory['retry_join'][channel] > 10:
LOGGER.warning('Failed to join %s after 10 attempts.', channel)
bot.memory['retry_join'][channel] = 0
def handle_names(bot, trigger):
"""Handle NAMES response, happens when joining to channels."""
names = trigger.split()
#TODO specific to one channel type. See issue 281.
channels ='(#\S*)', trigger.raw)
if not channels:
channel = Identifier(
if channel not in bot.privileges:
bot.privileges[channel] = dict()
# This could probably be made flexible in the future, but I don't think
# it'd be worth it.
mapping = {'+': module.VOICE,
'%': module.HALFOP,
'@': module.OP,
'&': module.ADMIN,
'~': module.OWNER}
for name in names:
priv = 0
for prefix, value in iteritems(mapping):
if prefix in name:
priv = priv | value
nick = Identifier(name.lstrip(''.join(mapping.keys())))
bot.privileges[channel][nick] = priv
def track_modes(bot, trigger):
"""Track usermode changes and keep our lists of ops up to date."""
# Mode message format: <channel> *( ( "-" / "+" ) *<modes> *<modeparams> )
channel = Identifier(trigger.args[0])
line = trigger.args[1:]
# If the first character of where the mode is being set isn't a #
# then it's a user mode, not a channel mode, so we'll ignore it.
if channel.is_nick():
mapping = {'v': module.VOICE,
'h': module.HALFOP,
'o': module.OP,
'a': module.ADMIN,
'q': module.OWNER}
modes = []
for arg in line:
if len(arg) == 0:
if arg[0] in '+-':
# There was a comment claiming IRC allows e.g. MODE +aB-c foo, but
# I don't see it in any RFCs. Leaving in the extra parsing for now.
sign = ''
modes = []
for char in arg:
if char == '+' or char == '-':
sign = char
modes.append(sign + char)
arg = Identifier(arg)
for mode in modes:
priv = bot.privileges[channel].get(arg, 0)
value = mapping.get(mode[1])
if value is not None:
if mode[0] == '+':
priv = priv | value
priv = priv & ~value
bot.privileges[channel][arg] = priv
def track_nicks(bot, trigger):
"""Track nickname changes and maintain our chanops list accordingly."""
old = trigger.nick
new = Identifier(trigger)
# Give debug mssage, and PM the owner, if the bot's own nick changes.
if old == bot.nick and new != bot.nick:
privmsg = ("Hi, I'm your bot, %s."
"Something has made my nick change. "
"This can cause some problems for me, "
"and make me do weird things. "
"You'll probably want to restart me, "
"and figure out what made that happen "
"so you can stop it happening again. "
"(Usually, it means you tried to give me a nick "
"that's protected by NickServ.)") % bot.nick
debug_msg = ("Nick changed by server. "
"This can cause unexpected behavior. Please restart the bot.")
bot.say(privmsg, bot.config.core.owner)
2017-11-22 19:26:40 -05:00
for channel in bot.privileges:
channel = Identifier(channel)
if old in bot.privileges[channel]:
value = bot.privileges[channel].pop(old)
bot.privileges[channel][new] = value
for channel in bot.channels.values():
channel.rename_user(old, new)
if old in bot.users:
bot.users[new] = bot.users.pop(old)
def track_part(bot, trigger):
nick = trigger.nick
channel = trigger.sender
_remove_from_channel(bot, nick, channel)
def track_kick(bot, trigger):
nick = Identifier(trigger.args[1])
channel = trigger.sender
_remove_from_channel(bot, nick, channel)
def _remove_from_channel(bot, nick, channel):
if nick == bot.nick:
bot.privileges.pop(channel, None)
bot.channels.pop(channel, None)
lost_users = []
for nick_, user in bot.users.items():
user.channels.pop(channel, None)
if not user.channels:
for nick_ in lost_users:
bot.users.pop(nick_, None)
bot.privileges[channel].pop(nick, None)
user = bot.users.get(nick)
if user and channel in user.channels:
if not user.channels:
bot.users.pop(nick, None)
def _whox_enabled(bot):
# Either privilege tracking or away notification. For simplicity, both
# account notify and extended join must be there for account tracking.
return (('account-notify' in bot.enabled_capabilities and
'extended-join' in bot.enabled_capabilities) or
'away-notify' in bot.enabled_capabilities)
def _send_who(bot, channel):
if _whox_enabled(bot):
# WHOX syntax, see
# Needed for accounts in who replies. The random integer is a param
# to identify the reply as one from this command, because if someone
# else sent it, we have no fucking way to know what the format is.
rand = str(randint(0, 999))
while rand in who_reqs:
rand = str(randint(0, 999))
who_reqs[rand] = channel
bot.write(['WHO', channel, 'a%nuachtf,' + rand])
# We might be on an old network, but we still care about keeping our
# user list updated
bot.write(['WHO', channel])
def track_join(bot, trigger):
if trigger.nick == bot.nick and trigger.sender not in bot.channels:
bot.write(('TOPIC', trigger.sender))
bot.privileges[trigger.sender] = dict()
bot.channels[trigger.sender] = Channel(trigger.sender)
_send_who(bot, trigger.sender)
bot.privileges[trigger.sender][trigger.nick] = 0
user = bot.users.get(trigger.nick)
if user is None:
user = User(trigger.nick, trigger.user,
bot.users[trigger.nick] = user
if len(trigger.args) > 1 and trigger.args[1] != '*' and (
'account-notify' in bot.enabled_capabilities and
'extended-join' in bot.enabled_capabilities):
user.account = trigger.args[1]
def track_quit(bot, trigger):
for chanprivs in bot.privileges.values():
chanprivs.pop(trigger.nick, None)
for channel in bot.channels.values():
bot.users.pop(trigger.nick, None)
def recieve_cap_list(bot, trigger):
cap = trigger.strip('-=~')
# Server is listing capabilites
if trigger.args[1] == 'LS':
recieve_cap_ls_reply(bot, trigger)
# Server denied CAP REQ
elif trigger.args[1] == 'NAK':
entry = bot._cap_reqs.get(cap, None)
# If it was requested with bot.cap_req
if entry:
for req in entry:
# And that request was mandatory/prohibit, and a callback was
# provided
if req.prefix and req.failure:
# Call it.
req.failure(bot, req.prefix + cap)
# Server is removing a capability
elif trigger.args[1] == 'DEL':
entry = bot._cap_reqs.get(cap, None)
# If it was requested with bot.cap_req
if entry:
for req in entry:
# And that request wasn't prohibit, and a callback was
# provided
if req.prefix != '-' and req.failure:
# Call it.
req.failure(bot, req.prefix + cap)
# Server is adding new capability
elif trigger.args[1] == 'NEW':
entry = bot._cap_reqs.get(cap, None)
# If it was requested with bot.cap_req
if entry:
for req in entry:
# And that request wasn't prohibit
if req.prefix != '-':
# Request it
bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', req.prefix + cap))
# Server is acknowledging a capability
elif trigger.args[1] == 'ACK':
caps = trigger.args[2].split()
for cap in caps:
cap.strip('-~= ')
entry = bot._cap_reqs.get(cap, [])
for req in entry:
if req.success:
req.success(bot, req.prefix + trigger)
if cap == 'sasl': # TODO why is this not done with bot.cap_req?
def recieve_cap_ls_reply(bot, trigger):
if bot.server_capabilities:
# We've already seen the results, so someone sent CAP LS from a module.
# We're too late to do SASL, and we don't want to send CAP END before
# the module has done what it needs to, so just return
for cap in trigger.split():
c = cap.split('=')
if len(c) == 2:
batched_caps[c[0]] = c[1]
batched_caps[c[0]] = None
# Not the last in a multi-line reply. First two args are * and LS.
if trigger.args[2] == '*':
bot.server_capabilities = batched_caps
# If some other module requests it, we don't need to add another request.
# If some other module prohibits it, we shouldn't request it.
core_caps = ['multi-prefix', 'away-notify', 'cap-notify', 'server-time']
for cap in core_caps:
if cap not in bot._cap_reqs:
bot._cap_reqs[cap] = [_CapReq('', 'coretasks')]
def acct_warn(bot, cap):'Server does not support %s, or it conflicts with a custom '
'module. User account validation unavailable or limited.',
if bot.config.core.owner_account or bot.config.core.admin_accounts:
'Owner or admin accounts are configured, but %s is not '
'supported by the server. This may cause unexpected behavior.',
auth_caps = ['account-notify', 'extended-join', 'account-tag']
for cap in auth_caps:
if cap not in bot._cap_reqs:
bot._cap_reqs[cap] = [_CapReq('=', 'coretasks', acct_warn)]
for cap, reqs in iteritems(bot._cap_reqs):
# At this point, we know mandatory and prohibited don't co-exist, but
# we need to call back for optionals if they're also prohibited
prefix = ''
for entry in reqs:
if prefix == '-' and entry.prefix != '-':
entry.failure(bot, entry.prefix + cap)
if entry.prefix:
prefix = entry.prefix
# It's not required, or it's supported, so we can request it
if prefix != '=' or cap in bot.server_capabilities:
# REQs fail as a whole, so we send them one capability at a time
bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', entry.prefix + cap))
# If it's required but not in server caps, we need to call all the
# callbacks
for entry in reqs:
if entry.failure and entry.prefix == '=':
entry.failure(bot, entry.prefix + cap)
# If we want to do SASL, we have to wait before we can send CAP END. So if
# we are, wait on 903 (SASL successful) to send it.
if bot.config.core.auth_method == 'sasl':
bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', 'sasl'))
bot.write(('CAP', 'END'))
def recieve_cap_ack_sasl(bot):
# Presumably we're only here if we said we actually *want* sasl, but still
# check anyway.
password = bot.config.core.auth_password
if not password:
mech = bot.config.core.auth_target or 'PLAIN'
bot.write(('AUTHENTICATE', mech))
def auth_proceed(bot, trigger):
if trigger.args[0] != '+':
# How did we get here? I am not good with computer.
# Is this right?
sasl_username = bot.config.core.auth_username or bot.nick
sasl_password = bot.config.core.auth_password
sasl_token = '\0'.join((sasl_username, sasl_username, sasl_password))
# Spec says we do a base 64 encode on the SASL stuff
bot.write(('AUTHENTICATE', base64.b64encode(sasl_token.encode('utf-8'))))
def sasl_success(bot, trigger):
bot.write(('CAP', 'END'))
#Live blocklist editing
def blocks(bot, trigger):
"""Manage Sopel's blocking features.
if not trigger.admin:
"success_del": "Successfully deleted block: %s",
"success_add": "Successfully added block: %s",
"no_nick": "No matching nick block found for: %s",
"no_host": "No matching hostmask block found for: %s",
"invalid": "Invalid format for %s a block. Try: .blocks add (nick|hostmask) sopel",
"invalid_display": "Invalid input for displaying blocks.",
"nonelisted": "No %s listed in the blocklist.",
'huh': "I could not figure out what you wanted to do.",
masks = set(s for s in bot.config.core.host_blocks if s != '')
nicks = set(Identifier(nick)
for nick in bot.config.core.nick_blocks
if nick != '')
text =
if len(text) == 3 and text[1] == "list":
if text[2] == "hostmask":
if len(masks) > 0:
blocked = ', '.join(unicode(mask) for mask in masks)
bot.say("Blocked hostmasks: {}".format(blocked))
bot.reply(STRINGS['nonelisted'] % ('hostmasks'))
elif text[2] == "nick":
if len(nicks) > 0:
blocked = ', '.join(unicode(nick) for nick in nicks)
bot.say("Blocked nicks: {}".format(blocked))
bot.reply(STRINGS['nonelisted'] % ('nicks'))
elif len(text) == 4 and text[1] == "add":
if text[2] == "nick":
bot.config.core.nick_blocks = nicks
elif text[2] == "hostmask":
bot.config.core.host_blocks = list(masks)
bot.reply(STRINGS['invalid'] % ("adding"))
bot.reply(STRINGS['success_add'] % (text[3]))
elif len(text) == 4 and text[1] == "del":
if text[2] == "nick":
if Identifier(text[3]) not in nicks:
bot.reply(STRINGS['no_nick'] % (text[3]))
bot.config.core.nick_blocks = [unicode(n) for n in nicks]
bot.reply(STRINGS['success_del'] % (text[3]))
elif text[2] == "hostmask":
mask = text[3].lower()
if mask not in masks:
bot.reply(STRINGS['no_host'] % (text[3]))
bot.config.core.host_blocks = [unicode(m) for m in masks]
bot.reply(STRINGS['success_del'] % (text[3]))
bot.reply(STRINGS['invalid'] % ("deleting"))
def account_notify(bot, trigger):
if trigger.nick not in bot.users:
bot.users[trigger.nick] = User(trigger.nick, trigger.user,
account = trigger.args[0]
if account == '*':
account = None
bot.users[trigger.nick].account = account
def recv_whox(bot, trigger):
if len(trigger.args) < 2 or trigger.args[1] not in who_reqs:
# Ignored, some module probably called WHO
if len(trigger.args) != 8:
return LOGGER.warning('While populating `bot.accounts` a WHO response was malformed.')
_, _, channel, user, host, nick, status, account = trigger.args
away = 'G' in status
_record_who(bot, channel, user, host, nick, account, away)
def _record_who(bot, channel, user, host, nick, account=None, away=None):
nick = Identifier(nick)
channel = Identifier(channel)
if nick not in bot.users:
bot.users[nick] = User(nick, user, host)
user = bot.users[nick]
if account == '0':
user.account = None
user.account = account
user.away = away
if channel not in bot.channels:
bot.channels[channel] = Channel(channel)
def recv_who(bot, trigger):
channel, user, host, _, nick, = trigger.args[1:6]
_record_who(bot, channel, user, host, nick)
def end_who(bot, trigger):
if _whox_enabled(bot):
who_reqs.pop(trigger.args[1], None)
def track_notify(bot, trigger):
if trigger.nick not in bot.users:
bot.users[trigger.nick] = User(trigger.nick, trigger.user,
user = bot.users[trigger.nick]
user.away = bool(trigger.args)
def track_topic(bot, trigger):
if trigger.event != 'TOPIC':
channel = trigger.args[1]
channel = trigger.args[0]
if channel not in bot.channels:
bot.channels[channel].topic = trigger.args[-1]