2019-10-09 18:35:38 -04:00

665 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The core bot class for Fulvia.
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
import db
import tools
import config
import loader
from trigger import Trigger
class Fulvia(irc.IRCClient):
def __init__(self):
self.nickname = config.nickname
self.nick = config.nickname
"""The bot's current nickname."""
self.realname = config.realname
"""The bot's 'real name', used in whois."""
self.username = config.username
"""The bot's username ident used for logging into the server."""
self.host = ""
"""The bot's host, virtual or otherwise. To be filled in later."""
self.static = "static"
os.makedirs(self.static, exist_ok=True)
"""The path to the bot's static file directory."""
self.log_path = "logs"
os.makedirs(self.log_path, exist_ok=True)
"""The path to the bot's log files."""
self._log_dump = tools.FulviaMemoryDefault(list)
Internal thread-safe dictionary containing log dumps yet to be
self._last_log_dump = 0
"""The last time logs were dumped."""
self.channels = tools.FulviaMemory()
A dictionary of all channels the bot is currently in and the users
in them.
self.memory = tools.FulviaMemory()
A thread-safe general purpose dictionary to be used by whatever
modules need it.
self.db = db.FulviaDB()
A class with some basic interactions for the bot's sqlite3 databse.
self._hooks = []
A list containing all function names to be hooked with every message
self.commands = {}
A dictionary containing all commands to look for and the name
of the function they call.
self._times = {}
A dictionary full of times when certain functions were called for
use with the @rate decorator. Keys are function names.
self.url_callbacks = {}
A dictionary of URL callbacks to allow other modules interact with
the URL module.
self._user_joined = []
"""These get called when a user joins a channel."""
self._disabled_modules = config.disabled_modules
"""These modules will NOT be loaded when load_modules() is called."""
def load_modules(self):
Find and load all of our modules.
print(f"Loading modules...")
self._hooks = []
self.commands = {}
self._times = {}
self.url_callbacks = {}
# ensure they're empty
modules = loader.find_modules()
loaded = 0
failed = 0
for name, path in modules.items():
if name in self._disabled_modules:
loader.load_module(self, path)
loaded += 1
except Exception as e:
print(f"{name} failed to load.")
failed += 1
print(f"Registered {loaded} modules,")
print(f"{failed} modules failed to load")
def register_callable(self, func):
Registers all callable functions loaded from modules into one
convenient table.
if hasattr(func, 'commands'):
for cmd in func.commands:
self.commands[cmd] = func
if func.hook:
if func.rate or func.channel_rate or func.global_rate:
self._times[func.__name__] = {}
if hasattr(func, 'url_callback'):
for url in func.url_callback:
self.url_callbacks[url] = func
if func.user_joined:
def unregister_callable(self, func):
Removes the provided function object from the internal list of
module functions.
if not callable(func) or not loader.is_triggerable(func):
if hasattr(func, 'commands'):
for command in func.commands:
if func.hook:
if func.rate or func.channel_rate or func.global_rate:
if hasattr(func, 'url_callback'):
for url in func.url_callback:
if func.user_joined:
def stillConnected(self):
"""Returns true if the bot is still connected to the server."""
if self._heartbeat:
return True
return False
def call(self, func, bot, trigger):
A wrapper for calling module functions so that we can have nicer
error handling.
func(bot, trigger)
except Exception as e:
msg = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
self.msg(trigger.channel, msg)
def log(self, channel, text):
Logs text to file. Logging structure is
Only permits log dumping once per second.
# TODO: use time module instead of datetime
t = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
timestamp = t.strftime(config.default_time_format)
self._log_dump[channel].append(timestamp + " " + text)
if time.time() - self._last_log_dump > 1:
for ch in self._log_dump.keys():
fname = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".log"
path = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.hostname, ch)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, fname), "a+") as file:
file.write("\n".join(self._log_dump[ch]) + "\n")
self._log_dump = tools.FulviaMemoryDefault(list)
## Actions involving the bot directly.
## These will get called automatically.
def privmsg(self, user, channel, message):
Called when the bot receives a PRIVMSG, which can come from channels
or users alike.
nick = user.partition("!")[0].partition("@")[0]
if channel.startswith("#"):
opSym = self.channels[channel].users[nick].op_level
opSym = ''
channel = nick
line = f"<{opSym}{nick}> {message}"
self.log(channel, line)
funcs = []
if message.startswith(config.prefix) and message != config.prefix:
command = message.partition(" ")[0]
command = command.replace(config.prefix, "", 1)
cmd = self.commands.get(command)
if not cmd:
funcs += self._hooks
for func in funcs:
trigger = Trigger(user, channel, message, "PRIVMSG")
bot = FulviaWrapper(self, trigger)
if func.rate:
t = self._times[func_name].get(trigger.nick, 0)
if time.time() - t < func.rate and not trigger.admin:
self._times[func_name][trigger.nick] = time.time()
if func.channel_rate:
t = self._times[func_name].get(trigger.channel, 0)
if time.time() - t < func.channel_rate and not trigger.admin:
self._times[func_name][trigger.channel] = time.time()
if func.global_rate:
t = self._times[func_name].get("global", 0)
if time.time() - t < func.channel_rate and not trigger.admin:
self._times[func_name]["global"] = time.time()
if func.thread == True:
t = threading.Thread(target=self.call,args=(func, bot, trigger))
self.call(func, bot, trigger)
def joined(self, channel):
"""Called when the bot joins a new channel."""
line = f"-!- {self.nickname} [{self.username}@{self.host}] "
line += f"has joined {channel}"
self.log(channel, line)
print(f"Joined {channel}")
self.channels[channel] = tools.Channel(channel)
user = tools.User(self.nickname)
self.channels[channel].users[self.nickname] = user
def left(self, channel, reason=""):
"""Called when the bot leaves a channel."""
line = f"-!- {self.nickname} [{self.username}@{self.host}] "
line += f"has left {channel} [{reason}]"
self.log(channel, line)
print(f"Parted {channel}")
def noticed(self, user, channel, message):
"""Called when the bot receives a NOTICE from a user or channel."""
# TODO: something?
def modeChanged(self, user, channel, add_mode, modes, args):
"""Called when users or channel's modes are changed."""
line = f"-!- mode/{channel} ["
if add_mode:
line += "+"
line += "-"
line += modes
if any(args):
line += " " + " ".join(args)
line += "] by " + user.partition("!")[0].partition("@")[0]
self.log(channel, line)
if not channel.startswith("#"): # server level
for n, mode in enumerate(modes):
if args[n] == None: # channel mode
if add_mode:
elif mode in tools.op_level.keys(): # user mode, op_level mode
nick = args[n]
user = self.channels[channel].users[nick]
if add_mode:
user.op_level += mode
user.op_level.replace(mode, '', 1)
else: # user mode, non-op_level mode
def signedOn(self):
"""Called when the bot successfully connects to the server."""
if config.oper_password:
self.sendLine("OPER " + config.nickname + ' ' + config.oper_password)
print(f"Signed on as {self.nickname}")
line = f"*** Signed onto {self.hostname} as "
line += f"{self.nickname}!{self.username}@{self.host}"
self.log(self.hostname, line)
for channel in config.channels:
def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
"""Called when the bot is kicked from a channel."""
line = f"-!- {self.nickname} was kicked from {channel} "
line += f"by {kicker} [{message}]"
self.log(channel, line)
def nickChanged(self, nick):
"""Called when the bot changes it's nickname."""
line = f"-!- you are now known as {nick}"
for channel_name, channel in self.channels.items():
self.log(channel_name, line)
user = channel.users.pop(self.nickname)
user.nick = nick
channel.users[nick] = user
## Actions the bot observes other users doing in the channel.
## These will get called automatically.
def userJoined(self, user, channel):
"""Called when the bot sees another user join a channel."""
nick, _, host = user.partition("!")
line = f"-!- {nick} [{host}] has joined {channel}"
self.log(channel, line)
new_user = tools.User(nick)
self.channels[channel].users[nick] = new_user
for func in self._user_joined:
trigger = Trigger(user, channel, f"{user} has joined", "PRIVMSG")
bot = FulviaWrapper(self, trigger)
t = threading.Thread(target=self.call,args=(func, bot, trigger))
def userLeft(self, user, channel, reason=""):
"""Called when the bot sees another user leave a channel."""
nick, _, host = user.partition("!")
line = f"-!- {nick} [{host}] has left {channel} [{reason}]"
self.log(channel, line)
def userQuit(self, user, quitMessage):
"""Called when the bot sees another user disconnect from the network."""
nick, _, host = user.partition("!")
line = f"-!- {nick} [{host}] has quit [{quitMessage}]"
for channel_name, channel in self.channels.items():
if not nick in channel.users:
self.log(channel_name, line)
def userKicked(self, kickee, channel, kicker, message):
Called when the bot sees another user getting kicked from the channel.
line =f"-!- {kickee} was kicked from {channel} by {kicker} [{message}]"
self.log(channel, line)
def topicUpdated(self, user, channel, newTopic):
"""Called when the bot sees a user update the channel's topic."""
line = f"-!- {user} changed the topic of {channel} to: {newTopic}"
self.log(channel, line)
self.channels[channel].topic = newTopic
def userRenamed(self, oldname, newname):
"""Called when the bot sees a user change their nickname."""
line = "-!- {oldname} is now known as {newname}"
for channel_name, channel in self.channels.items():
self.log(channel_name, line)
user = channel.users.pop(oldname)
user.nick = newname
channel.users[newname] = user
def namesReceived(self, channel, channel_type, nicklist):
Called when the bot receives a list of names in the channel from the
self.channels[channel].channel_type = channel_type
for nick in nicklist:
op_level = ''
if nick[0] in tools.op_level.keys():
op_level = nick[0]
nick = nick[1:]
user = tools.User(nick)
user.op_level = op_level
self.channels[channel].users[nick] = user
def whoisUser(self, nick, ident, host, realname):
Called when the bot receives a WHOIS about a particular user.
if nick == self.nickname:
self.username = ident
self.host = host
self.realname = realname
for channel_name, channel in self.channels.items():
if nick in channel:
user = channel[nick]
user.ident = ident
user.host = host
user.realname = realname
def whoisIdle(self, nick, idle, signon):
Called when the bot receives a WHOIS about a particular user.
nick - nickname of the user
idle - seconds since last activity from user
signon - unix timestamp when user signed on
if self.memory.get("idle_callbacks"):
self.memory["idle_callbacks"][nick].callback((nick, idle, signon))
## User commands, from client->server
def msg(self, user, message, length=None):
Sends a message 'message' to 'user' (can be a user or a channel).
If 'length' is specified, the message will be split into lengths
of that size. If 'length' is not specified, the bot will determine
an appropriate length automatically.
if user.startswith("#"):
opSym = self.channels[user].users[self.nickname].op_level
opSym = ''
line = f"<{opSym}{self.nickname}> {message}"
self.log(user, line)
super().msg(user, message, length)
def reply(self, text, dest, reply_to, notice=False):
Sends a message to 'dest' prefixed with 'reply_to' and a colon,
ala "reply_to: text". More useful with the wrapper class.
text = reply_to + ": " + text
self.msg(dest, text)
def quit(self, message=""):
Disconnects from quitting normally results in the factory
reconnecting us, so we need to include shutting down the factory.
print("Quit from server")
irc.IRCClient.quit(self, message)
sys.exit(0) # why doesn't this work?
## Raw server->client messages
def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self, prefix, params):
Called when we have received a list of names in the channel from the
channel_types = {"@": "secret", "*": "private", "=": "public"}
channel_type = channel_types[params[1]]
channel = params[2]
nicklist = params[3].split()
self.namesReceived(channel, channel_type, nicklist)
def irc_JOIN(self, prefix, params):
Called when a user joins a channel.
nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
channel = params[-1]
if nick == self.nickname:
self.userJoined(prefix, channel)
def irc_PART(self, prefix, params):
Called when a user leaves a channel.
nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
channel = params[0]
if len(params) > 1:
reason = params[1]
reason = ""
if nick == self.nickname:
self.left(channel, reason)
self.userLeft(prefix, channel, reason)
def irc_QUIT(self, prefix, params):
Called when a user has quit.
nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
self.userQuit(prefix, params[0])
def irc_RPL_WHOISUSER(self, prefix, params):
Called when we receive the server's response from our "WHOIS [user]"
query. Contains hostmask information.
_, nick, ident, host, _, realname = params
self.whoisUser(nick, ident, host, realname)
def irc_RPL_WHOISIDLE(self, prefix, params):
Called when we receive the server's response from our "WHOIS [user]"
query. Contains idle and signon time information.
_, nick, idle, signon, _ = params
self.whoisIdle(nick, idle, signon)
def lineReceived(self, line):
"""Overridden to fix broken unicode issues."""
if bytes != str and isinstance(line, bytes):
line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
class FulviaWrapper():
A wrapper class for Fulvia to provide default destinations for msg
methods and so forth.
def __init__(self, fulvia, trigger):
object.__setattr__(self, '_bot', fulvia)
object.__setattr__(self, '_trigger', trigger)
# directly setting these values would cause a recursion loop
# overflow
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"""Redirects getting attributes to the master bot instance."""
return getattr(self._bot, attr)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
"""Redirects setting attributes to the master bot instance."""
return setattr(self._bot, attr, value)
def msg(self, user=None, message=None, length=None):
If user is None it will default to the channel the message was
received on.
if user == None:
raise TypeError("msg() missing 2 required positional " \
+ "arguments: 'user' and 'message'")
if message == None:
# assume the first argument is the message
message = user
user = self._trigger.channel
self._bot.msg(user, message, length)
def reply(self, message, destination=None, reply_to=None, notice=False):
If destination is None, it defaults to the channel the message
was received on.
If reply_to is None, it defaults to the person who sent the
if destination is None:
destination = self._trigger.channel
if reply_to is None:
reply_to = self._trigger.nick
self._bot.reply(message, destination, reply_to, notice)
class FulviaFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory):
protocol = Fulvia