
125 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Leave a message for someone.
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
from datetime import datetime
from sqlite3 import OperationalError
import tools
import config
from module import commands, example, hook
def load_database(bot):
Loads all entries from the 'tell' table in the bot's database and
stores them in memory
data = {}
tells = bot.db.execute("SELECT * FROM tell").fetchall()
for tell in tells:
tellee, teller, unixtime, message = tell
tell = (teller, unixtime, message)
except KeyError:
data[tellee] = [tell]
return data
def insert_tell(bot, tellee, teller, unixtime, message):
Inserts a new tell into the 'tell' table in the bot's database.
bot.db.execute("INSERT INTO tell (tellee, teller, unixtime, message) "
"VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (tellee, teller, unixtime, message))
def delete_tell(bot, tellee):
Deletes a tell from the 'tell' table in the bot's database, using
tellee as the key.
bot.db.execute("DELETE FROM tell WHERE tellee = ?", (tellee,))
def setup(bot):
con = bot.db.connect()
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tell").fetchone()
except OperationalError:
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE tell("
"tellee TEXT, "
"teller TEXT,"
"unixtime INTEGER,"
"message TEXT)")
bot.memory["tell"] = load_database(bot)
@example('.tell iou1name you broke something again.')
def tell(bot, trigger):
"""Give someone a message the next time they're seen"""
if len(trigger.args) < 2:
return bot.reply("Tell whom?")
if len(trigger.args) < 3:
return bot.reply("Tell them what?")
teller = trigger.nick
tellee = trigger.args[1].rstrip('.,:;')
message = ' '.join(trigger.args[2:])
if not message:
return bot.reply(f"Tell {tellee} what?")
if tellee == bot.nick:
return bot.reply("I'm here now, you can tell me whatever you want!")
if tellee == teller or tellee == "me":
return bot.reply("You can tell yourself that.")
unixtime = time.time()
if not tellee in bot.memory['tell']:
bot.memory['tell'][tellee] = [(teller, unixtime, message)]
bot.memory['tell'][tellee].append((teller, unixtime, message))
insert_tell(bot, tellee, teller, unixtime, message)
response = f"I'll pass that on when {tellee} is around."
def tell_hook(bot, trigger):
Hooks every line to see if a tellee has said something. If they have,
it gives them all of their tells.
if not trigger.nick in bot.memory["tell"]:
tellee = trigger.nick
tells = []
for tell in bot.memory["tell"][tellee]:
teller, unixtime, message = tell
telldate = datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime)
reltime = tools.relative_time(datetime.now(), telldate)
t_format = config.default_time_format
telldate = datetime.strftime(telldate, t_format)
msg = f"{tellee}: \x0310{message}\x03 (\x0308{teller}\x03) {telldate}" \
+ f" [\x0312{reltime} ago\x03]"
for tell in tells:
delete_tell(bot, tellee)