#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Actions for the Racial Slurs Database table. All data comes from http://www.rsdb.org/. """ import random import sqlite3 from module import commands def setup(bot): con = bot.db.connect() cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM slur").fetchone() except OperationalError: cur.execute("CREATE TABLE slur(" "slur TEXT," "race TEXT," "description TEXT") con.commit() con.close() @commands("slur") def slur(bot, trigger): """ Prints a random racial slur from the Racial Slurs Database. [RACE] - specifies a particular race to pick on. """ if trigger.group(2): slur = bot.db.execute( "SELECT * FROM `slur` WHERE `race` = ? COLLATE NOCASE " \ + "ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1", (trigger.group(2),)).fetchone() else: slur = bot.db.execute( "SELECT * FROM `slur` ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1").fetchone() if not slur: return bot.msg("Could not find slur.") msg = f"[\x0304SLUR\x03] \x0310Slur\x03: \x0312{slur[0]}\x03 | " msg += f"\x0310Race\x03: \x0312{slur[1]}\x03 | " msg += f"\x0310Description\x03: \x0312{slur[2]}\x03" bot.msg(msg)