#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ A basic calculator and python interpreter application. """ import sys import requests from module import commands, example from tools.calculation import eval_equation BASE_TUMBOLIA_URI = 'https://tumbolia-two.appspot.com/' @commands('c', 'calc') @example('.c 5 + 3', '8') def c(bot, trigger): """Evaluate some calculation.""" if not trigger.group(2): return bot.reply("Nothing to calculate.") # Account for the silly non-Anglophones and their silly radix point. eqn = trigger.group(2).replace(',', '.') try: result = eval_equation(eqn) result = "{:.10g}".format(result) except ZeroDivisionError: result = "Division by zero is not supported in this universe." except Exception as e: result = "{error}: {msg}".format(error=type(e), msg=e) bot.reply(result) @commands('py') @example('.py len([1,2,3])', '3') def py(bot, trigger): """Evaluate a Python expression.""" if not trigger.group(2): return bot.msg("Need an expression to evaluate") query = trigger.group(2) uri = BASE_TUMBOLIA_URI + 'py/' res = requests.get(uri + query) res.raise_for_status() answer = res.text if answer: #bot.msg can potentially lead to 3rd party commands triggering. bot.msg(answer) else: bot.reply('Sorry, no result.')