186 lines
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186 lines
4.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
SocketIO events.
import re
import time
import random
import bleach
from flask import session
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room
import tools
import database as db
socketio = SocketIO()
def joined(data):
Sent by clients when they enter a room.
room = data["room"]
def message(data):
Sent by a client when the user entered a new message.
room = int(data["room"])
message = data["message"]
name = data["name"]
user_id = data.get("user_id")
data = {}
date = int(time.time())
data["date"] = date
data["name"] = name
data["user_id"] = user_id
data["room"] = room
message = message.strip()
if not message:
tags = ["b", "code", "i", "s"]
message = bleach.clean(message, tags=tags)
lines = []
for line in message.splitlines():
if line.startswith(">"):
line = '<span class="greenText">' + line + '</span>'
message = "<br />".join(lines)
message = tools.handle_img(message)
if message.startswith("/dice") or message.startswith("/roll"):
roll_msg = handle_dice(message)
if roll_msg:
message += '<hr class="msgSrvHr" />' + roll_msg
data["message"] = message
emit("message", data, room=room)
def handle_dice(message):
Handle /dice or /roll messages.
reg = re.search(r"(\d+)d(\d+)([+-]\d+)?", message)
if not reg:
groups = [0 if d is None else int(d) for d in reg.groups()]
diceNum, diceSides, diceMod = groups
assert 0 < diceNum < 100
assert 0 < diceSides < 100
assert -1000 < diceMod < 1000
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
dice = [random.randint(1, diceSides) for _ in range(diceNum)]
total = sum(dice)
if diceMod:
total += diceMod
msg = f"<b>Rolled {', '.join(map(str, dice))}"
if diceMod:
if diceMod > 0:
msg += " +"
msg += " " + str(diceMod)
msg += " = " + str(total) + "</b>"
return msg
def new_post(data, internal=False):
Called when the QM makes a new post.
room = data["room"]
res = db.get_quest_meta(quest_id=room)
if not res:
if session.get("user_id") != res[3]:
post = data["post"]
if not internal:
post = bleach.clean(post.strip())
post = post.replace("\n", "<br />")
post = tools.handle_img(post)
editable = data.get("editable", True)
data = {}
data["post"] = [post]
data["date"] = int(time.time())
post_id = db.insert_quest_post(room, post, data["date"])
data["post_id"] = post_id
data["editable"] = editable # TODO: enforce this on server-side
emit("new_post", data, room=room)
def update_post(data):
Called when the QM edits and saves a post.
room = data["room"]
res = db.get_quest_meta(quest_id=room)
if not res:
if session.get("user_id") != res[3]:
post = data["post"]
post = post.strip().replace("<br>", "<br />")
post = tools.handle_img(post)
post_id = data["post_id"]
db.update_quest_post(post_id, post)
data = {}
data["post"] = post
data["post_id"] = post_id
emit("update_post", data, room=room)
def dice_post(data):
Called when the QM posts a new dice call.
room = data["room"]
res = db.get_quest_meta(quest_id=room)
if not res:
if session.get("user_id") != res[3]:
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v}
diceNum = int(data.get("diceNum", 0))
diceSides = int(data.get("diceSides", 0))
diceMod = int(data.get("diceMod", 0))
diceChal = int(data.get("diceChal", 0))
diceRolls = int(data.get("diceRolls", 0))
assert 0 < diceNum < 100
assert 0 < diceSides < 100
assert -1000 < diceMod < 1000
assert 0 <= diceChal < 100
assert 0 <= diceRolls < 100
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
post = f"<h3>Roll {data['diceNum']}d{data['diceSides']}"
if diceMod:
if diceMod > 0:
post += "+"
post += str(diceMod)
if diceChal:
post += " vs DC" + str(diceChal)
new_post({"post": post, "room": room, "editable": False}, internal=True)