merged User.js and QM.js and various bugfixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,12 +85,10 @@ def message(data):
if message.startswith("/dice") or message.startswith("/roll"):
roll_msg = handle_dice(data)
if roll_msg:
roll_msg += '<hr class="msgSrvHr" /><b>' + roll_msg + "</b>"
message += '<hr class="msgSrvHr" /><b>' + roll_msg + "</b>"
date = int(time.time())
message_id = db.log_chat_message(message, date, room, user_id)
if roll_msg:
message += roll_msg
data = {}
data["date"] = date
@ -101,22 +99,21 @@ def message(data):
emit("message", data, room=room)
if roll_msg:
dice_call_id = db.get_quest_meta(data["room"])[4]
if dice_call_id:
dice_call = db.get_dice_call(dice_call_id)
open_post_id = db.get_quest_meta(room)[3]
if open_post_id:
dice_call = db.get_dice_call(open_post_id)
dice_roll ="(\d+d\d+(?:[+-]\d+)?)", message).group(1)
if dice_call[2] and dice_roll != dice_call[1]:
roll_results ="Rolled (.+) =", roll_msg).group(1)
roll_total = int("= (\d+)$", roll_msg).group(1))
roll_total = int("= (\d+)", roll_msg).group(1))
roll_data = (dice_roll, roll_results, roll_total)
db.insert_quest_roll(message_id, room, dice_call_id, roll_data)
db.insert_quest_roll(message_id, room, open_post_id, roll_data)
if len(db.get_dice_rolls(post_id=dice_call_id)) == dice_call[4]:
if len(db.get_dice_rolls(post_id=open_post_id)) == dice_call[4]:
emit("close_dice_call", {"post_id": dice_call_id}, room=room)
emit("close_post", {"post_id": open_post_id}, room=room)
room = data["room"]
data = {}
data["post"] = roll_msg + " (" + dice_roll + ")"
if dice_call[3]:
@ -125,7 +122,7 @@ def message(data):
data["post"] += " - Fail"
data["post_type"] = "dice"
data["post_id"] = dice_call_id
data["post_id"] = open_post_id
emit("update_post", data, room=room)
@ -1,207 +1,86 @@
document.execCommand("defaultParagraphSeparator", false, "br");
var socket;
var tid = setInterval( function () {
if ( document.readyState !== 'complete' ) return;
clearInterval( tid );
socket.on('new_post', function(data) {
let qposts = document.getElementById('questPosts');
let post_str = '<div class="questPost ';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += 'textPost">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += 'dicePost active_post">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += 'pollPost active_post">';
post_str += '<div class="questPostMeta">' + strftime(;
/* QM only */
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += '<br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="edit_post(\'' + data.post_id + '\')">Edit</a>';
post_str += '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="savePost-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="save_post(\'' + data.post_id + '\')" style="display:none;">Save</a>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice' || data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="close_post_id-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="close_post(' + data.post_id + ')">Close</a>';
post_str += '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="open_post_id-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="open_post(' + data.post_id + ')" style="display:none;">Open</a>'
/* end QM only */
post_str += '</div><div class="questPostData" id="questPostData-' + data.post_id + '">';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str +=;
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
post_str += '<table class="poll" id="poll-' + data.post_id + '">';
post_str += '<col/><col/><col/>';
for (i = 0; i < data.options.length; i++) {
post_str += '<tr id="optionRow-' + data.options[i][0] + '">';
post_str += '<td class="pollCheckBox"><input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options[i][0] + ')"/>';
post_str += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '"></label></td>';
post_str += '<td class="option_text">' + data.options[i][1] + '</td>';
post_str += '<td class="optionVotes">0</td></tr>';
post_str += '</table>';
if (data.allow_writein) {
post_str += '<div id="writeinContainer">';
post_str += 'Write-in: <input type="text" id="writeinInput" placeholder="Custom choice..." maxlength="200" /><br />';
post_str += '<input type="submit" id="writeinSubmit" value="Submit" onclick="submitWritein({{ quest_post[0] }});"/></div>';
post_str += '</div></div><br />';
qposts.innerHTML = qposts.innerHTML + post_str;
socket.on('close_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.children[0].textContent = post.children[0].textContent.replace('Open', 'Closed');
/* QM only */
document.getElementById('close_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
/* end QM only */
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
let table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = 'collapse';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'none';
socket.on('open_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.firstElementChild.textContent = post.firstElementChild.textContent.replace('Closed', 'Open');
/* QM only */
document.getElementById('close_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'none';
/* end QM only */
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = '';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'initial';
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
socket = io.connect('https://' + document.domain + location.port);
socket.on('connect', function() {
socket.emit('joined', {room: room_id});
socket.on('message', function(data) {
let msg_str = '<div id="msg-' + data.message_id + '" class="message">';
msg_str = '<div class="messageHeader"><span class="messageName">' + + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageDate">' + strftime( + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageID">No.<a href="javascript:quote(' + data.message_id + ')">' + data.message_id + '</a></span></div>';
msg_str += '<div class="messageContent">' + data.message + '</div></div><hr>';
let mbox = document.getElementById('chatWindow');
mbox.innerHTML = mbox.innerHTML + msg_str;
if ((mbox.scrollTop + mbox.offsetHeight) >= (mbox.scrollHeight - mbox.clientHeight / 2)) {
mbox.scrollTop = mbox.scrollHeight;
socket.on('new_post', function(data) {
let qposts = document.getElementById('questPosts');
let post_str = '<div class="questPost ';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += 'textPost">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += 'dicePost active_post">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += 'pollPost active_post">';
post_str += '<div class="questPostMeta">' + strftime(;
/* QM only */
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += '<br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="edit_post(\'' + data.post_id + '\')">Edit</a>';
post_str += '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="savePost-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="save_post(\'' + data.post_id + '\')" style="display:none;">Save</a>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice' || data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="close_post_id-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="close_post(' + data.post_id + ')">Close</a>';
post_str += '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="open_post_id-' + data.post_id + '" onclick="open_post(' + data.post_id + ')" style="display:none;">Open</a>'
/* end QM only */
post_str += '</div><div class="questPostData" id="questPostData-' + data.post_id + '">';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str +=;
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
post_str += '<table class="poll" id="post-' + data.post_id + '">';
post_str += '<col/><col/><col/>';
for (i = 0; i < data.options.length; i++) {
post_str += '<tr id="optionRow-' + data.options[i][0] + '">';
post_str += '<td class="pollCheckBox"><input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options[i][0] + ')"/>';
post_str += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '"></label></td>';
post_str += '<td class="option_text">' + data.options[i][1] + '</td>';
post_str += '<td class="optionVotes">0</td></tr>';
post_str += '</table>';
if (data.allow_writein) {
post_str += '<div id="writeinContainer">';
post_str += 'Write-in: <input type="text" id="writeinInput" placeholder="Custom choice..." maxlength="200" /><br />';
post_str += '<input type="submit" id="writeinSubmit" value="Submit" onclick="submitWritein({{ quest_post[0] }});"/></div>';
post_str += '</div></div><br />';
qposts.innerHTML = qposts.innerHTML + post_str;
socket.on('update_post', function(data) {
let post_id = data.post_id;
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + post_id);
if (data.post_type === 'text') {
post.innerHTML =;
} else if (data.post_type === 'dice') {
post.innerHTML += '<b>' + + '</b><br />';
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let row = post.children[1].insertRow(-1);
let cell = row.insertCell(0);
cell.className = 'pollCheckBox';
cell.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options_id + ')"/>';
cell.innerHTML += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '"></label>';
cell = row.insertCell(1);
cell.className = 'option_text';
cell.innerHTML = data.option_text;
cell = row.insertCell(2);
cell.className = "optionVotes";
cell.innerHTML = "0";
socket.on('close_post', function(data) {
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document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
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let table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = 'collapse';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'none';
socket.on('open_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.firstElementChild.textContent = post.firstElementChild.textContent.replace('Closed', 'Open');
document.getElementById('close_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'none';
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = '';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'initial';
socket.on('vote', function(data) {
let row = document.getElementById('optionRow-' + data.option_id);
if (data.polarity) {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) + 1;
} else {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) - 1;
let table = row.parentElement.parentElement;
arr =;
let new_tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
table.replaceChild(new_tbody, table.children[1]);
socket.on('toggle_option_box', function(data) {
document.getElementById('pollInput-' + data.option_id).checked = data.polarity;
let mtarea = document.getElementById('messageTextArea');
mtarea.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.key == 'Enter' && !event.shiftKey) {
let text = mtarea.value.trim();
mtarea.value = '';
if (text == '') { return; }
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
socket.emit('message', {message: text, name: 'Anonymous', room: room_id});
}, 100 );
function padToTwo(number) {
if (number<=99) { number = ("0"+number).slice(-2); }
return number;
function strftime(date) {
date = new Date(date * 1000);
let date_str = date.getFullYear() + '-' + padToTwo(date.getMonth()+1) + '-' + padToTwo(date.getDate()) + ' ';
date_str += padToTwo(date.getHours()) + ':' + padToTwo(date.getMinutes()) + ':' + padToTwo(date.getSeconds());
return date_str;
function sort_by_votes(a, b) {
return b.cells[2].textContent.localeCompare(a.cells[2].textContent);
function pollVote(post_id, option_id) {
let polarity = document.getElementById('pollInput-' + option_id).checked;
socket.emit('vote', {post_id: post_id, option_id: option_id, polarity: polarity, room: room_id});
function submitWritein(post_id) {
let writeinInput = document.getElementById('writeinInput');
if (!writeinInput) { return; }
let option_text = writeinInput.value;
writeinInput.value = '';
if (!option_text) { return; }
socket.emit('write_in', {option_text: option_text, post_id: post_id, room: room_id});
function quote(message_id) {
let textbox = document.getElementById('messageTextArea');
textbox.value += '>>' + message_id + '\n';
function scrollToMsg(message_id) {
let elem = document.getElementById('msg-' + message_id);
if (!elem) { return; }
function showPreview(event, message_id) {
let elem = document.getElementById('msg-' + message_id);
if (!elem) { return; }
let preview = document.getElementById('preview');
preview.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML;
|||| = '';
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let y = event.clientY + 20 + 'px';
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|||| = y;
|||| = x;
|||| = maxWidth;
function clearPreview() {
document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('preview').style.display = 'none';
function deactivate_post() {
let post = document.getElementsByClassName('active_post');
if (post.length == 0) { return; }
@ -1,141 +1,126 @@
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var tid = setInterval( function () {
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clearInterval( tid );
socket = io.connect('https://' + document.domain + ':' + location.port);
socket.on('connect', function() {
socket.emit('joined', {room: room_id});
socket.on('message', function(data) {
let msg_str = '<div id="msg-' + data.message_id + '" class="message">';
msg_str = '<div class="messageHeader"><span class="messageName">' + + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageDate">' + strftime( + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageID">No.<a href="javascript:quote(' + data.message_id + ')">' + data.message_id + '</a></span></div>';
msg_str += '<div class="messageContent">' + data.message + '</div></div><hr>';
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
socket = io.connect('https://' + document.domain + ':' + location.port);
socket.on('connect', function() {
socket.emit('joined', {room: room_id});
socket.on('message', function(data) {
let msg_str = '<div id="msg-' + data.message_id + '" class="message">';
msg_str = '<div class="messageHeader"><span class="messageName">' + + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageDate">' + strftime( + '</span> ';
msg_str += '<span class="messageID">No.<a href="javascript:quote(' + data.message_id + ')">' + data.message_id + '</a></span></div>';
msg_str += '<div class="messageContent">' + data.message + '</div></div><hr>';
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mbox.innerHTML = mbox.innerHTML + msg_str;
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mbox.scrollTop = mbox.scrollHeight;
socket.on('new_post', function(data) {
let qposts = document.getElementById('questPosts');
let post_str = '<div class="questPost ';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += 'textPost">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += 'dicePost active_post">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += 'pollPost active_post">';
post_str += '<div class="questPostMeta">' + strftime(;
post_str += '</div><div class="questPostData" id="questPostData-' + data.post_id + '">';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str +=;
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
post_str += '<table class="poll" id="poll-' + data.post_id + '">';
post_str += '<col/><col/><col/>';
for (i = 0; i < data.options.length; i++) {
post_str += '<tr id="optionRow-' + data.options[i][0] + '">';
post_str += '<td class="pollCheckBox"><input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options[i][0] + ')"/>';
post_str += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '"></label></td>';
post_str += '<td class="option_text">' + data.options[i][1] + '</td>';
post_str += '<td class="optionVotes">0</td></tr>';
post_str += '</table>';
if (data.allow_writein) {
post_str += '<div id="writeinContainer">';
post_str += 'Write-in: <input type="text" id="writeinInput" placeholder="Custom choice..." maxlength="200" /><br />';
post_str += '<input type="submit" id="writeinSubmit" value="Submit" onclick="submitWritein({{ quest_post[0] }});"/></div>';
post_str += '</div></div><br />';
qposts.innerHTML = qposts.innerHTML + post_str;
socket.on('update_post', function(data) {
let post_id = data.post_id;
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + post_id);
if (data.post_type === 'text') {
post.innerHTML =;
} else if (data.post_type === 'dice') {
post.innerHTML += '<b>' + + '</b><br />';
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let row = post.children[1].insertRow(-1);
let cell = row.insertCell(0);
cell.className = 'pollCheckBox';
cell.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options_id + ')"/>';
cell.innerHTML += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '"></label>';
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mbox.innerHTML = mbox.innerHTML + msg_str;
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mbox.scrollTop = mbox.scrollHeight;
socket.on('new_post', function(data) {
let qposts = document.getElementById('questPosts');
let post_str = '<div class="questPost ';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str += 'textPost">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += 'dicePost active_post">';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += 'pollPost active_post">';
post_str += '<div class="questPostMeta">' + strftime(;
post_str += '</div><div class="questPostData" id="questPostData-' + data.post_id + '">';
if (data.post_type == 'text') {
post_str +=;
} else if (data.post_type == 'dice') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
} else if (data.post_type == 'poll') {
post_str += '<h3>' + + ' - Open</h3>';
post_str += '<table class="poll" id="post-' + data.post_id + '">';
post_str += '<col/><col/><col/>';
for (i = 0; i < data.options.length; i++) {
post_str += '<tr id="optionRow-' + data.options[i][0] + '">';
post_str += '<td class="pollCheckBox"><input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options[i][0] + ')"/>';
post_str += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options[i][0] + '"></label></td>';
post_str += '<td class="option_text">' + data.options[i][1] + '</td>';
post_str += '<td class="optionVotes">0</td></tr>';
post_str += '</table>';
post_str += '</div></div><br />';
qposts.innerHTML = qposts.innerHTML + post_str;
socket.on('update_post', function(data) {
let post_id = data.post_id;
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + post_id);
if (data.post_type === 'text') {
post.innerHTML =;
} else if (data.post_type === 'dice') {
post.innerHTML += '<b>' + + '</b><br />';
} else if (data.post_type === 'poll') {
let row = post.children[1].insertRow(-1);
let cell = row.insertCell(0);
cell.className = 'pollCheckBox';
cell.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '" onchange="pollVote(' + data.post_id + ',' + data.options_id + ')"/>';
cell.innerHTML += '<label for="pollInput-' + data.options_id + '"></label>';
cell = row.insertCell(1);
cell.className = 'option_text';
cell.innerHTML = data.option_text;
cell = row.insertCell(1);
cell.className = 'option_text';
cell.innerHTML = data.option_text;
cell = row.insertCell(2);
cell.className = "optionVotes";
cell.innerHTML = "0";
cell = row.insertCell(2);
cell.className = "optionVotes";
cell.innerHTML = "0";
socket.on('close_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.children[0].textContent = post.children[0].textContent.replace('Open', 'Closed');
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
let table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = 'collapse';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'none';
socket.on('close_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.children[0].textContent = post.children[0].textContent.replace('Open', 'Closed');
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document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
let table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = 'collapse';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'none';
socket.on('open_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.firstElementChild.textContent = post.firstElementChild.textContent.replace('Closed', 'Open');
if (post.parentElement.classList.contains('pollPost')) {
table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = '';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'initial';
socket.on('open_post', function(data) {
let post = document.getElementById('questPostData-' + data.post_id);
post.firstElementChild.textContent = post.firstElementChild.textContent.replace('Closed', 'Open');
document.getElementById('close_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'initial';
document.getElementById('open_post_id-' + data.post_id).style.display = 'none';
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table = document.getElementById('poll-' + data.post_id);
table.getElementsByTagName("col")[0].style.visibility = '';
let writein = document.getElementById('writeinContainer');
if (writein) {
|||| = 'initial';
socket.on('vote', function(data) {
let row = document.getElementById('optionRow-' + data.option_id);
if (data.polarity) {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) + 1;
} else {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) - 1;
let table = row.parentElement.parentElement;
arr =;
let new_tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
table.replaceChild(new_tbody, table.children[1]);
socket.on('toggle_option_box', function(data) {
document.getElementById('pollInput-' + data.option_id).checked = data.polarity;
let mtarea = document.getElementById('messageTextArea');
mtarea.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.key == 'Enter' && !event.shiftKey) {
let text = mtarea.value.trim();
mtarea.value = '';
if (text == '') { return; }
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
socket.emit('message', {message: text, name: 'Anonymous', room: room_id});
}, 100 );
socket.on('vote', function(data) {
let row = document.getElementById('optionRow-' + data.option_id);
if (data.polarity) {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) + 1;
} else {
row.cells[2].textContent = Number(row.cells[2].textContent) - 1;
let table = row.parentElement.parentElement;
arr =;
let new_tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
table.replaceChild(new_tbody, table.children[1]);
socket.on('toggle_option_box', function(data) {
document.getElementById('pollInput-' + data.option_id).checked = data.polarity;
function padToTwo(number) {
if (number<=99) { number = ("0"+number).slice(-2); }
return number;
@ -199,3 +184,16 @@ function deactivate_post() {
writein.outerHTML = '';
function load() {
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
let mtarea = document.getElementById('messageTextArea');
mtarea.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.key == 'Enter' && !event.shiftKey) {
let text = mtarea.value.trim();
mtarea.value = '';
if (text == '') { return; }
document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chatWindow').scrollHeight;
socket.emit('message', {message: text, name: 'Anonymous', room: room_id});
@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/"></script>
<script>var room_id = {{ room_id }}; var page_num = {{ page_num }};</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/anonkunUser.js"></script>
{% if session.get("user_id") == owner_id %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/anonkunQM.js"></script>
{% else %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/anonkunUser.js"></script>
{% endif %}
<script>window.onload = load;</script>
{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
{% if session.get("user_id") == owner_id %}
<li><a href="{{ url_for('.edit_quest', quest_id=quest_id) }}">Edit Quest</a></li>
{% endif %}
<select onChange="window.location.href=this.value">
{% for page in pages %}
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="questContainer">
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
{% endautoescape %}
{% elif quest_post[3] == "dice" %}
<h3>{{ quest_post[4] }} - {% if quest_post[0] == open_post_id %}Open{% else %}Closed{% endif %}</h3>
{% for dice_roll in dice_rolls[quest_post[0]] %}
{% for dice_roll in dice_rolls.get(quest_post[0], []) %}
<div id="questRollId-{{ dice_roll[0] }}">
<b>Rolled {{ dice_roll[4] }} = {{ dice_roll[5] }} ({{ dice_roll[3] }}){% if quest_post[0]|dice_chal != 0 %} - {% if dice_roll[5] >= quest_post[0]|dice_chal %}Pass{% else %} Fail{% endif %}{% endif %}</b>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user