It sits in a torrent tracker's IRC announce channel and downloads any new torrent matching it's filters and saves them to a directory. This is a really lazy bot and has all of about <1hourofworkputintoit.
This bot was designed with Oppaitime in mind (hence the name) but it's general enough that it should work with any tracker. Because I'm too lazy to make it login to the tracker site properly, it requires you to extract your session cookie for the site into a text file. How you do that is up to you.
`server` - The address of the IRC server the bot should connect to.
`port` - The server port the bot should use. SSL probably won't work and isn't recommended.
`nickname` - The nickname the bot will use to initially connect to the server with. It's not actually important since the tracker's bot will (~~usually~~ sometimes) rename you upon authentication.
`ident` - The IRC username (aka ident) the bot uses to connect to the server. This usually isn't important.
`tags` - Comma-delineated list of tags to look for in each announce message. The script is just performing simple string comparisons on the entire message, so the 'tag' can be any substring appearing in the announce message. Tag inside of brackets are AND'd together, tag groups are then OR'd together. Tags starting with ! are treated as NOT [tag]. In the example below, announce messages with ['English' AND NOT 'Manga'] OR ['Manga' AND 'English' AND 'Archived'] OR 'Dual Language' OR 'Softsubs' will be matched.
`blacklist` - Comma-delineated list of blacklisted tags. Same as `tags`, except if any of these are found in the announce message the bot skips the entire message. This parameter is optional.